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column temps and precipitaton type
Figure A shows the column is cold to start but warm in the mid levels to the surface, Precipitation starts as snow and melts as it falls through the warm layer, surface is all Rain.
Figure B shows the column is cold to start, a warm layer in the middle melting the snow flakes..The surface layer is cold so as the rain reaches the ground it than refreezes. FREEZING RAIN
Figure C shows a cold column to start,,than a warm mid level and than a deeper shallow level..Snow starts than melts, as the rain drop falls through a deeper layer of cold it freezes into an ice pellet reaching the ground. SLEET
Figure D shows the column cold from top to bottom..Snow starts and can fall right through the cold column to the surface. ALL SNOW
Comments (3)
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I just learned something here. The difference between sleet & freezing rain. Sleet melts then refreezes BEFORE it hits the ground. Freezing rain freezes after it hits the ground. Makes sense. 😎
Thank you, NEWA, for doing this.
Excellent Idea NEWA, weather education is needed by many, hopefully they take advantage of your expertise!